Monday 29 March 2010

Gone with the Winslet

I can’t believe Kate Winslet and Sam Mendes have separated. I think it’s such a shame because they were one of those rare couples from the showbiz world who seemed happy together and actually in love. There aren’t many famous marriages that you expect will last, but this was one of them. It has hit me as hard as when Brad Pitt left Jennifer Aniston – and I’m still in shock about that. Just like the Pitts, the Mendes’ always looked so happy together at public awards and genuinely in love. And they seemed like such an odd couple too which made it even more believable.
They were married seven years which, in Hollywood terms is a lifetime so I can’t knock them for trying. I just wish this one had worked out. These days it seems like no marriage lasts in the film world and it gives it a bad name for everyone. Relationships between famous actors aren’t taken seriously anymore, and who can blame us? It all appears to be about publicity and using their personal life to get them further and it’s just not morally right. Love shouldn’t be about selling magazines or boosting your popularity but from the outside that’s the impression some famous couples give out.
And for serious couples like Kate and Sam, I’m sure the separation is hard enough as it is, without all the press attention. Every magazine claims to know the reason behind their split and I feel sorry for them, having to go through a public divorce. Another downside to marrying another film star...

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