Wednesday 24 March 2010

Spoiling sequels

We’re nearing the release of the second Nanny McPhee film and I’m getting nervous. This always happens to films I like. They always make sequels.
I know the makers want to extend the success and popularity of the first one, but they still haven’t learnt their lesson. Have they not seen Rocky 6? Or American Pie 6: Beta House? Or the sequel to Jaws? Or the ten Home Alones that didn’t feature McCauley Culkin? Obviously not, but I have. It’s such a shame because it almost ruins the original film. Take Pirates of the Caribbean – one of the best modern Disney films – why couldn’t they just be happy with having one of the highest grossing films of 2003? Instead they decide to stretch the characters and plot to its very limit until, by the end of the third film, you’ve got no idea which way’s up and who’s an actual baddie or who’s just pretending to be dead. And, as if three films just wasn’t enough confusion, they’ve announced ANOTHER film for next year. They should call it Pirates of the Caribbean – Curse of the Sequel. Worse thing is, it’s being directed by someone else – I call this Home Alone syndrome. The makers of Home Alone realised we’re not that stupid that we wouldn’t notice if they replaced the main character with another person. So they decided to use the success of the first two films and stick the same name on the third – despite the fact it was a completely different story with new characters and everything. Personally I don’t think they should have been allowed to call it Home Alone.
I’m just praying Nanny McPhee doesn’t fall foul of this common curse. But I’m not holding my breath – I’m a little confused about how it’s going to work. The whole appeal about the first one was that Nanny McPhee was a mother who was reincarnated temporarily to control her children who were wreaking havoc after her death... how are they going to fit the SAME nanny into a different family?!
We shall soon see...

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