Thursday 18 March 2010

What a rip-off

Surprisingly enough, 2009 proved to be a very successful year for cinemas. Despite the recession not improving a great deal, the UK’s second biggest cinema chain Cineworld has reported high ticket sales leading to an 11.5 per cent increase in profits. The chain found the number of cinemagoers rose by 9 per cent and mostly put it down to the recent take off of the 3D phenomenon.
Although it’s great to hear companies doing well, there is a loser in this story. Whilst a big reason for the cinemas improved profits IS an increase in customers overall, it’s not the sole reason. Who hasn’t noticed the considerable rise in cinema prices?! In fact, last year Cineworld raised its prices by an average of 7.5 per cent. So technically the cinemagoers are losing big time, especially if they want to see a 3D film which means paying a whole lot extra for the glasses and the investment the cinema has put into the special screens and equipment needed to show the films.
It’s a real shame because for the last couple of generations the cinema has brought films and families and fun together. My mum, who still calls it the ‘pictures’, used to go all the time but now only really goes if George Clooney has a new film out, because she thinks the prices are extortionate. And she doesn’t even go to the big cinemas like Vue or Odeon. I think it’s sad that such a popular past time is being ruined by greedy businesses wanting more money. And it’s not just the price of the ticket that is shocking. I hate the way cinemas know you’re going to want refreshments and the only place you can really buy it, especially if you fancy some popcorn, is in the cinema. So, because obviously they’re not making enough money on the ticket sales (pfft, yeah right!), the cinemas decide to charge ridiculous prices for food and drink. The cheek of it is they have a rule about bringing your own food, they must be worried you might be tempted to go to Tesco before the film. God knows why when their food is just so reasonably priced. Anyway, that stupid rule means people who refuse to pay cinema prices have to either go without or sneak food in and be made to feel conscious and bad about it.
Well done Cineworld but this year maybe you could make your profit elsewhere and bring your prices down so going to the cinema doesn’t cost a fortune.

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